
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Take Action Now To Keep the Mosquito Threat in Check

(Click on the image for Mike McGrath's advice on WTOP)
"It’s time to talk mosquito prevention
There’s still the “new” Zika virus to fear, and we’ll also see the return of old favorites like West Nile with the arrival of the warmer weather we’re otherwise looking forward to. But you can greatly diminish the number of mosquitoes that would otherwise plague your backyard this summer by taking action now.
If you knock down the numbers of the first couple of generations, you’ll get the math on your side for a change — they’ll still grow exponentially, but if that first number is two as opposed to two thousand, you’re on your way to a bite-free summer."
Related is the New York Times article, 'Why the Menace of Mosquitoes Will Only Get Worse': "The traps that health departments bought to catch Culex mosquitoes are not attractive to Aedes. The spraying with pesticide by trucks and airplanes that knocks down nuisance mosquitoes cannot reach ones that have sneaked into buildings. The best defense against Aedes mosquitoes turns out to be not big municipal gestures but small individual actions: destroying their habitat by emptying the pools of water where they reproduce, and keeping them from eating by repairing windows screens and wearing bug repellent."

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Cicadas: Wear a Hat Under Trees!

See also, "Cicada horror stories" in The Washington Post: "cicadas are attracted to lawn mowers, weed whackers and similar machinery because of the sound they make. Essentially, the machines sound like a chorus of cicadas ready to mate."

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Planning to Age in Place? Find a Contractor Now

(Click on the image for the New York Times article)
"Older people have the highest rate of homeownership in the country — about 80 percent, according to a 2016 report by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard. The great majority live in single-family homes, most of them poorly suited for the disabilities common in later life.
The center has looked at three of the most important accessibility features that allow people to move safely around their living spaces: entrances without steps, single-floor living, and wide hallways and doorways that can accommodate wheelchairs.
“Less than 4 percent of the U.S. housing stock has all three of those,” said Jennifer Molinsky, a senior research associate at the center.
Add two more important elements for aging in place — doors with lever handles, and light switches and electrical outlets that can be reached from a wheelchair — and the proportion drops to 1 percent.
You’ll often hear older people vow that they won’t leave their homes except “feet first.” Without modifications, however, the design of most older Americans’ homes could eventually thwart their owners’ desire to stay in them."
[See also "10 ways to prepare your home for aging in place" in the Washington Post]

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Which sunscreens work, which fall short—and why you can’t always rely on packaging labels

(Click on the image for the Consumer Reports article)
"If you think all sunscreens touting high SPFs—like those with 50s on their labels, for example—are equally effective, here’s a surprise: Consumer Reports has found that those SPF numbers aren’t always a reliable measure of how much protection you’ll get. If you put too much faith in them, you could be putting your skin at risk."
[See the Nightly News with Lester Holt segment on this report]

New Tool Could Ease Firefighter Risks, Delays at Homes With Solar Panels

(Click on the image for Jodie Fleischer's News4 report)
"Most families that add solar power to their home do it to save on their electric bill or to help the environment, but the News4 I-Team found that technology could cost valuable time in an emergency.
"It changes everything about our strategies and tactics," said Prince George's County Fire Battalion Chief Donny Fletcher.
Firefighters across the D.C. region say they're facing increased danger as more and more homeowners install solar panels.
Risks include electrocution if the home can't be de-energized or a roof collapsing quicker under the weight of the heavy solar panels."

Public safety staffing issues raise overtime costs

(Click on the image for Emily Blackner's report in the Sentinel)

"Overtime costs are pushing the public safety budget skyward in Prince George’s County and officials want solutions now.
The Public Safety and Fiscal Management (PSFM) committee met with leadership in both the Prince George’s County Police Department and the county Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department. Many council members raised questions about the overtime expenses in both organizations, especially in light of the staffing challenges they are facing."

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Economic Development in Prince George’s County Began With Focus on Crime

(Click on the image for Tracee Wilkins' News4 report)
"Good options and access for shopping are major issues for residents of Prince George’s County, Maryland, which is why attracting new retail is one of the county executive’s top priorities."

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Don't Give Your New Driver a Hoopty

(Click on the image for the video)
"People are twice as likely to die in a crash if the car they’re travelling in was built before 2000. This is demonstrated by the results of this car-to-car crash test conducted by independent vehicle safety advocate ANCAP."

The Conservancy of Broad Creek

(Click on the image for the report and membership form)
  • The Conservancy of Broad Creek was created to assist in the preservation of the Broad Creek area's history and ecology.  Its members have hosted events celebrating the history and lives of the Marylanders who have lived here during the past 350 years.  Currently, the Conservancy seeks to use the area's landmarks to help narrate the story of America's early intercultural relationships.
  • Thank you for your support over the past year.  It is due to your membership that the Conservancy is able to undertake several projects and programs with great success, as well as to plan for the future.
  • In order for the Conservancy of Broad Creek to be at all effective and credible, it needs the support of its members.  Having a growing and caring membership allows the Conservancy to stand tall and be respected when it speaks and engages with others.  Knowing that there is a community of support behind it, gives strength to the Conservancy to pursue its mission and goals. [Link to the Conservancy's website]

Monday, May 15, 2017

Don't Fall for these Phishing Scams!

(If you get an email like these - mark it as a Phishing Scam, do not click on the attachment!)
Here's what PayPal says: "We also won't ask you to view an attachment or install a software update.  Only a few of our emails to you - such as for password recovery or to confirm an email address - will ask that you click on hyperlink to complete an action.  If you didn't request a password reset or add an email address, scrutinize the email further before proceeding.
 In fact, most phishing emails will present you with a situation that tries to provoke you into immediate action - and usually recommends that you click on a link in the same email to dispute a transaction or provide the requested information as soon as possible."

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Getting Irate Calls from People Complaining about Your Calls to Them?

(Click on the image for the CBS News report)
"It's called "spoofing." Scammers make it appear as if robocalls to others are coming from your phone — making the actual scammers nearly impossible to track."

Friday, May 12, 2017

Detectives make arrest in string of thefts from auto cases

(Example image)
Detectives have arrested a suspect in connection with several theft from autos throughout Prince George’s County. The suspect is 21-year-old Devon Spinner of the 2000 block of Lewisdale Drive in Lewisdale. He is charged with stealing valuables in five separate incidents.
He was arrested on May 11th. Detectives recovered multiple stolen items from the suspect including 13 cell phones and 2 tablet computers.  Spinner admitted his involvement in the 5 separate theft cases. He is charged with theft and associated charges. Detectives are working to identify any additional thefts involving Spinner.
Prince George's County Police detectives are working hard to solve theft from auto cases and to get opportunistic thieves off our county streets and we need the public's help.  
Please take a minute to review these safety tips:

  • Lock your car
  • Remove valuable items from your car
  • Park in a well-lit area if possible at night
  • If you observe suspicious activity near cars or in the parking lot, call 911

Anyone with information on this case is asked to call the Regional Investigation Division, Northern Region at 301-937-0910. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477), text “PGPD plus your message” to CRIMES (274637) on your cell phone or go to and submit a tip online

Imposter Phone Scam Targeting Veterans Who Misdial The Number For Healthcare Program

(Click on the image for the Consumerist report)
"It’s easy to accidentally hit a wrong number when dialing, and usually it doesn’t lead to anything worse than an awkward conversation if someone picks up. But the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is now warning against a scam aimed at people who misdial the number for a healthcare program for veterans.
VA says scammers have set up a phone line that only differs from the real number for the Veterans Choice Program in the area code: The correct Choice Program number 1-866-606-8198. The imposter phone line is mostly the same number, but starting with “1-800” instead of “1-866.”
When veterans call that wrong number, scammers give them some ostensibly good news — they’re eligible for a $100 rebate… if they provide a credit card number."

Thursday, May 11, 2017

You Must Keep Your Computer Updated and Be Careful Before You Click

(Click the image for the full ODNI report)
[Not only Russia, China, Iran, and terrorists but]
"Criminals are also developing and using sophisticated cyber tools for a variety of purposes including theft, extortion, and facilitation of other criminal activities.  “Ransomware,” malware that employs deception and encryption to block users from accessing their own data, has become a particularly popular tool of extortion.  In 2016, criminals employing ransomware turned their focus to the medical sector, disrupting patient care and undermining public confidence in some medical institutions."
[See also Massive ransomware attack hits 99 countries (CNN Tech)]

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Where to Find the Best Grocery Store Prices in America

(Click on the image for the Consumer Reports article)
"Our survey results show eight standouts among 62 national and regional chains"
"Besides grocery store prices, other factors also contributed to readers' satisfaction with grocery stores. Wegmans, which topped our ratings, offers competitive prices as well as other commendable features including fresh store-prepared foods, courteous staff, fast checkout, and high-quality produce."

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The smart way to break away from your timeshare

(Click on the image for by Kimberly Suiters' ABC7 report)
"Owning a timeshare can take you around the world. But disowning your timeshare can get you a giant runaround."

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Best Consumer Self-Advocacy Tool You’ve Never Used

(Click on the image for Ron Lieber's report in The New York Times)
"Even semiprofessional consumers like me run into our share of problems. These are particularly irksome, since we should probably know better than to find ourselves on the wrong end of a busted product or poorly delivered service.
So this week, I’m pleased to share with you the single best tool I’ve ever found for getting my money back or my money’s worth. In fact, it has never failed me.
It’s called the Executive Email Carpet Bomb (E.E.C.B. for short) — a well-written message to the right group of corporate executives, whose email addresses are often pretty easy to figure out. A group of renegades at a blog called Consumerist first published the concept 10 years ago this month."
[In my experience. the same approach seems to work with government agencies as well.]

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Call Miss Utility at 811 Before You Dig!

(Call 811 or click on the image to have your property marked)
Miss Utility is your partner when it comes to safe digging! Having a variety of utility services could mean you have lines and pipes running underground – do you know where they are? If you plan on any type of excavation or digging on your property, Miss Utility can help.
Here's what the markings mean:

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

By Any Means Necessary: Methods of Escape by Maryland's Enslaved Community

(Click on the image for more information)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017

Prince George's County students commit to college

(Click on the image for Mike Carter-Conneen's ABC7 report)
Out of 345 Oxon Hill seniors, 12 will join the military and 271 will enroll at a two or four year institution. Many are getting scholarships; 43 of them are full rides.