
Friday, May 5, 2017

The Best Consumer Self-Advocacy Tool You’ve Never Used

(Click on the image for Ron Lieber's report in The New York Times)
"Even semiprofessional consumers like me run into our share of problems. These are particularly irksome, since we should probably know better than to find ourselves on the wrong end of a busted product or poorly delivered service.
So this week, I’m pleased to share with you the single best tool I’ve ever found for getting my money back or my money’s worth. In fact, it has never failed me.
It’s called the Executive Email Carpet Bomb (E.E.C.B. for short) — a well-written message to the right group of corporate executives, whose email addresses are often pretty easy to figure out. A group of renegades at a blog called Consumerist first published the concept 10 years ago this month."
[In my experience. the same approach seems to work with government agencies as well.]