
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Take Action Now To Keep the Mosquito Threat in Check

(Click on the image for Mike McGrath's advice on WTOP)
"It’s time to talk mosquito prevention
There’s still the “new” Zika virus to fear, and we’ll also see the return of old favorites like West Nile with the arrival of the warmer weather we’re otherwise looking forward to. But you can greatly diminish the number of mosquitoes that would otherwise plague your backyard this summer by taking action now.
If you knock down the numbers of the first couple of generations, you’ll get the math on your side for a change — they’ll still grow exponentially, but if that first number is two as opposed to two thousand, you’re on your way to a bite-free summer."
Related is the New York Times article, 'Why the Menace of Mosquitoes Will Only Get Worse': "The traps that health departments bought to catch Culex mosquitoes are not attractive to Aedes. The spraying with pesticide by trucks and airplanes that knocks down nuisance mosquitoes cannot reach ones that have sneaked into buildings. The best defense against Aedes mosquitoes turns out to be not big municipal gestures but small individual actions: destroying their habitat by emptying the pools of water where they reproduce, and keeping them from eating by repairing windows screens and wearing bug repellent."