
Friday, May 12, 2017

Imposter Phone Scam Targeting Veterans Who Misdial The Number For Healthcare Program

(Click on the image for the Consumerist report)
"It’s easy to accidentally hit a wrong number when dialing, and usually it doesn’t lead to anything worse than an awkward conversation if someone picks up. But the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is now warning against a scam aimed at people who misdial the number for a healthcare program for veterans.
VA says scammers have set up a phone line that only differs from the real number for the Veterans Choice Program in the area code: The correct Choice Program number 1-866-606-8198. The imposter phone line is mostly the same number, but starting with “1-800” instead of “1-866.”
When veterans call that wrong number, scammers give them some ostensibly good news — they’re eligible for a $100 rebate… if they provide a credit card number."