
Friday, May 10, 2019

Tantallon Residents Are Considerate Neighbors

(An out of control party)
Dear Neighbors,
It's the time of year when we look ahead to enjoying ourselves outside so it's also a good time for a nudge on being good to each other:
Considerate neighbors keep their parties, equipment, and music under control so they don't disturb others.
Notice our law no longer mentions a time when noise is or is not an issue. We are all entitled to peace, quiet and comfort 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Noise Control (link to County Code). Note there are significant fines associated with noise citations.
"The County Council for Prince George's County, Maryland, hereby declares it to be the public policy of the County that every resident of the County is entitled to noise levels that are not detrimental to health, safety, or welfare and the use, enjoyment and protection of property; and the general intent of this Division is to control noise levels throughout the County so as to promote public health, safety, welfare, the peace and quiet of the inhabitants of the County.
A person may not create noise or allow noise to be created that disturbs the peace, quiet, and comfort of a residential area and includes residences in all areas."
Social media make it all too easy for strangers and uninvited guests to crash a party - sometimes with tragic results. If you are concerned about this, give Officer Green (, 301-292-5300) a several day heads up to alert our police.
Please call the police to complain about a noisy or out of control party. Use the non-emergency number (301-352-1200) or 911 depending on the situation.