
Thursday, December 7, 2017

AAA: Speed Cameras Should Be an Adjunct to Stepped Up Police Enforcement, Not a Replacement

"AAA supports automated enforcement when the proper safeguards are in place and they are multiple, as outlined in federal, including the FHWA & NHTSA, and state guidelines. AAA believes that the deployment [of] automated enforcement systems (AES), when and where warranted, should be used as an adjunct to, not a substitution for stepped up enforcement of traffic laws by police officers. There are many legal, safety, ethical, engineering and economic factors to weigh."  [John Townsend]

(Click on the image for the video)

Among the report's recommendations:
  • Ensure that public outreach and community involvement remain core aspects of the program.
  • Require that revenue and expenditure data related to the Safe Speed program are readily accessible to the public on the County's website and in annual budget documents.