
Monday, December 4, 2017

Chief Stawinski Takes “Chief On The Go” To The Children for the Holidays

Every month, Chief Hank Stawinski takes his office out into communities across the county for a day.   The “Chief On The Go” events are spent meeting neighbors and answering your questions.  The events also serve as a great opportunity for residents to meet their district police station command staff.  This month, the Chief is going to do things a bit different in the spirit of the holidays.  The Chief will spend time with area children.
In December, we are hosting two major holiday events, the Cora Rice Christmas Party for Deserving Children and Toys for Tots where the Chief will rub elbows with our younger residents, answer their questions, and deliver too many hugs to count.  For grown ups who would like to participate as volunteers at either of these events, please reach out to Sgt. Dadzie at 301-909-7127.

You can donate a toy at the District VII station or any fire station in the county up until Christmas Day. Thank you so much! We hope to bring smiles to lots of faces this holiday season.