(Click on the image for the State Highway Administration report)
When the SafeZones program began in 2010, "approximately seven (7) out of every 100 drivers in SafeZones enforced work zones were exceeding the speed limit by 12 miles per hour (mph) or more. Today, less than one (1) driver out of every 100 is receiving a citation, showing a more than 90 percent reduction in the number of vehicles traveling 12 mph or more above the work zone speed limit."
The purpose of the Tantallon Citizens Association (TCA) shall be the promotion of better acquaintance and good fellowship among citizens of the community, the improvement of local conditions, the development of good citizenship, the general advancement of the public welfare, and where appropriate, by cooperation with other similar organizations, to advance the interests and wellbeing of adjacent communities. The TCA Homepage is http://tantallon.info/. Email tantalloncitizensassociation@gmail.com