
Friday, July 29, 2016

Hot Tips for Safe Grilling

(Click on the image for the article)
From Washington Consumers Checkbook:
We love grilling and with good reason: Burgers, seafood, chicken, ribs, even otherwise yucky veggies are delicious cooked over an open flame. Whatever’s on your menu, everything tastes better with a heaping helping of safety. Here’s a recipe for safe grilling:

  • Fire safety (keep that char on the rib eye)
  • Food safety (because salmon is yum, salmonella not so much)

Monday, July 25, 2016

When It's 3 am, Do You Know Where Your Car Is?

(Click on the image for more information)
The "WATCH YOUR CAR" program is administered by the Maryland Vehicle Theft Prevention Council (MVTPC) and is provided as a public service, free of charge, to owners of vehicles registered in the State of Maryland. It is a voluntary vehicle registration program designed to deter auto theft and assist in the apprehension of auto thieves.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Foam Free Prince George's County

(Click on the image for more information)
Starting July 1, 2016, polystyrene (commonly referred to as Styrofoam TM), polystyrene loose fill packaging (also known as "packing peanuts") and other foam articles are not permitted for sale or use in Prince George's County. [County code is here]
​Why the Ban? To reduce the amount of polystyrene waste entering the landfill and local waterways, the County is requiring the use of non-foam food packaging products that are environmentally-friendly and for everyone to be "Foam Free in PGC."
[This affects county businesses, not consumers]

Friday, July 15, 2016

Alton Sterling's Son Asks for President's Help Uniting Races of the World

(Click on the image for the 9 min. video)
The full "The President and the People: Race in America" program is available here.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Basic Home Target Hardening

(Click on the image for the Manual)
From page 29: "Since most burglaries and thefts are crimes of opportunity, the more obstacles that we put in place to protect ourselves, the less the chance of our being victimized. In sports, the more defenses a team has, and the better that defense is, the less likely the opponent will be to score. In target hardening, we want to increase our “defense” by identifying multiple methods that you can employ to protect yourself and stop the criminal. Some are common sense methods that cost little or no time or effort, while others may be more complicated." [Read Chapter 9 on Basic Home Target Hardening]

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture - Sep 24th

(Click on the image for more information)
On Saturday, September 24, 2016, the public witnesses the outdoor Dedication Ceremony of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. In the afternoon, the museum officially opens to the public. Tickets are not required for the public to view the outdoor Dedication Ceremony. Extensive large-screen viewing areas are well-positioned for crowds during the Dedication Ceremony.

  • 8:00 am Gathering and Musical Prelude
  • 10:00am Dedication Ceremony Begins
  • 1:00pm Museum Opens to the Public

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Join The Conservancy of Broad Creek

(Click on the image for recent achievements, goals for the future, and to join.)
The Conservancy has a number of plans and programs to organize and implement, but we are a
small volunteer organization based entirely, at the moment, on the Blanch Dubois theory of
economics namely, we survive due to the kindness of strangers.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Tanta-Cove Garden Club Is Looking for New Members

The purpose of the Club is to encourage interest in all phases of home gardening, to promote better horticultural practices, to increase our members’ knowledge and appreciation of gardening and beautification of the home and community.
We welcome new residents, retirees, men and women who want to learn and are passionate about beautification, nature, health, and sustainable living.
In our club you make lasting friendships and foster your own personal growth while enhancing the community.
We go beyond gardening. Members, if they choose, can continue learning through our National Garden Clubs, Inc. courses adding dimension to their own lives and Clubs. They become Gardening, Landscape Design and Environmental Consultants as well as Accredited Flower Show Judges. To further educate Members and the viewing public in Horticulture and the Arts of Floral Design, we hold Flower Shows based on standardized procedures.
We offer many ways for new members to get involved. This includes working in one of our public gardens, field trips, plant sales, craft projects, flower shows and many other activities sponsored by the club.
We have interesting and quality programs; Our Board works very hard to plan and organize the meetings, so that our programs are excellent and our meetings are conducted in a timely fashion.
Most of all: We have FUN!
We meet the first Wednesday of every month (September thru June). If you’re making a change in your life or looking for something fun and interesting to do, contact us for more information and an opportunity to join the club.  The membership Chair for 2016/17 is Grace Collins.  You can reach Grace at the following email address:

Friday, July 1, 2016

Safeway Closing Amid Prince George's County Food Desert

(Click on the image for Tracee Wilkins' Report)
Tracee Wilkins reports on how the closing of the Safeway store in Seat Pleasant, Maryland, is creating more concern and anger for a community that's already considered to be a food desert, with a lack of access to fresh food options in the area.