
Monday, July 4, 2016

Tanta-Cove Garden Club Is Looking for New Members

The purpose of the Club is to encourage interest in all phases of home gardening, to promote better horticultural practices, to increase our members’ knowledge and appreciation of gardening and beautification of the home and community.
We welcome new residents, retirees, men and women who want to learn and are passionate about beautification, nature, health, and sustainable living.
In our club you make lasting friendships and foster your own personal growth while enhancing the community.
We go beyond gardening. Members, if they choose, can continue learning through our National Garden Clubs, Inc. courses adding dimension to their own lives and Clubs. They become Gardening, Landscape Design and Environmental Consultants as well as Accredited Flower Show Judges. To further educate Members and the viewing public in Horticulture and the Arts of Floral Design, we hold Flower Shows based on standardized procedures.
We offer many ways for new members to get involved. This includes working in one of our public gardens, field trips, plant sales, craft projects, flower shows and many other activities sponsored by the club.
We have interesting and quality programs; Our Board works very hard to plan and organize the meetings, so that our programs are excellent and our meetings are conducted in a timely fashion.
Most of all: We have FUN!
We meet the first Wednesday of every month (September thru June). If you’re making a change in your life or looking for something fun and interesting to do, contact us for more information and an opportunity to join the club.  The membership Chair for 2016/17 is Grace Collins.  You can reach Grace at the following email address: