
Monday, September 6, 2021

Prince George’s redistricting proposal could harm some communities. So what’s the alternative?

(Click on the above image for the Greater, Greater Washington article)

  • According to the county charter, the county council must hold a public hearing on the redistricting commission’s proposed plan between September 16 and October 1 (i.e., within 15-30 days of receiving the plan). Then, it has until November 30 to decide whether to allow the commission’s plan to become law, or to draw its own plan.
  • The council has tentatively scheduled the public hearing on the redistricting commission’s plan to occur on Tuesday, September 28. There will presumably be an opportunity for the public to submit oral or written testimony in connection with that hearing.
  • However, you do not need to (and should not) wait until the public hearing to make your wishes known to the council. The earlier you can make your wishes known, the more likely it is that you can actually have an impact on the process. Ultimately, it’s up to all of us to help make our democracy better.

Download and View the Redistricting Commission Report

Important Dates:

  • All Redistricting Commission meetings are held virtually.  Watch Live HERE.   
  • September 1, 2021 - Proposed Redistricting Plan and Report Due to the County Council
  • September 14, 2021- Briefing on the Redistricting Plan and Report by the Redistricting Commission to the County Council
  • September 20, 2021 – County Council Public Hearing on the Redistricting Plan
  • November 30, 2021 - If the Council passes no other law changing the proposal, then the plan, as submitted, shall become law, as of the last day of November, as an act of the Council.

More information at