
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Who holds the power in Prince George’s County depends on how its boundaries are drawn

(Click on the above image for the Greater Greater Washington article)

  • In Prince George’s County, the county redistricting commission has been meeting since March. Two of its three members — former Maryland state senator David C. Harrington and former Prince George’s Community College president Dr. Charlene Mickens Dukes — were appointed by the Democratic Central Committee. (There are no Republican appointees, since the Republican candidates did not attain at least 15% of the votes cast in the 2018 County Council race.) The chair, Rev. James J. Robinson, was appointed by the County Council.
  • The redistricting commission is required by the county charter to make final recommendations to the county council for new districts by September 1, 2021. The county council will then have until November 30 to either accept the commission’s proposed map or to reject it and draw their own instead.