
Monday, December 24, 2018

Tired of Looking at Eyesores Like This? Here's What to Do:


The problem is two-fold. For some communities with no overhead wires, the issue is the
boxes in many yards that become unsightly and hazardous. For those communities with
overhead wires, the issue is the left-over wires and conduits left hanging and askew. In
researching the issue, here is what we learned.
  • The Cable Commission meets monthly at 6 pm in Largo. (Apparently the meetings seldom last longer than an hour.)
  • There are five Commissioners. Some changes may be made during 2019 since the Commissioners’ terms coincide with the County Executive’s term. The meetings are streamed live and archived on the Prince George’s County Community You Tube channel.
  • The staff maintains the records and files the complaints with the companies.
  • The email to be used is:
  • The Cable Coordinator is Ms. Gina Okolo.
  • There is no specific complaint form to file. However, the staff suggests when possible, we submit the following information:
  1. A picture of the issue,
  2. The specific address of the issue,
  3. The pole number if there is one, and
  4. If the issue is a new one, the date the work was done.
  5. If there are several problems, they should be submitted together.
  6. The cable companies will then determine which of them is responsible.
  7. They are required to report back to the Cable Commission, who will provide feedback to the complainant.