
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Prince George’s approves matching funds for local candidates — starting in 2026

(Click on the image for Rachel Chason's report in The Washington Post)

  • The Prince George’s County Council narrowly approved public financing for local political candidates early Wednesday, following a marathon meeting that marked the end of this year’s legislative session.
  • Citing concerns about how the county would afford to provide matching funds to political candidates who agree to forgo large donations, the council delayed implementation of the bill until 2026.
  • To participate in the program, candidates must not accept donations exceeding $250. Donations up to $150 that do not come from family members would be matched by public dollars.
  • Advocates heralded the bill, which passed 5-to-4, as a key way to open politics to new, diverse candidates and increase the power of small donors. Its opponents said taxpayer dollars would be better spent on issues such as education and public safety.
  • “It’s about democracy,” said bill sponsor Mary A. Lehman (D-District 1). “It’s about allowing people to run on ideas . . . not dialing for dollars, actually talking to voters.”