
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Does Your Mom Have a Working Smoke Detector? Do You?

(Click on the image for John Domen's WTOP report)
  • The mother of three who died Saturday is now the ninth fire-related death in the county this year, nearly doubling last year’s total already.
  • In 2017 five people lost their lives in a fire.
  • “The majority of the incidents we’ve seen so far with fatalities, there’s been no working smoke alarm or the smoke alarm has been in a location in the house where it did the occupants no good,” Brady said.
  • “We’ve changed the law recently in Prince George’s County where you must have a working smoke alarm on every level of your home, and we’re also requiring that those smoke alarms, if they’re battery operated, to be the 10-year model.”
  • This is important: How to make a home fire escape plan