
Sunday, March 18, 2018

Resource Guide for Aging Drivers

(Click on the image for the brochure)
  • No matter your age, driving is one of the most complex everyday things we do. The remarkable human brain allows you to juggle the competing tasks of paying attention to the roadway environment AND controlling your vehicle. Driving decisions need to be made in an instant.
  • Maryland has more than 4.3 million licensed drivers. People are living longer, remaining active later in life, and many will want to continue driving as long as possible.
  • Maryland’s largest group of licensed drivers is now 50 – 59 years old – about 815,000 drivers since the year 2000, and many of them are part of the Baby Boomers. This age group has grown by 36% since the year 2000.
  • Drivers age 65 and older now make up 17% of all Maryland drivers.
  • The group of Maryland drivers age 90 and older is 2-1/2 times larger since the year 2000 – now about 20,000 drivers.