
Monday, January 8, 2018

Violent Crime Rate, Homicides Down in Prince George's County

(Click on the image for Darcy Spencer's News4 report)
  • Chief Hank Stawinski and County Executive Rushern Baker announced Monday that violent crime dropped 6.6 percent in 2017, compared to the previous year. Eighteen fewer people died in homicides, and thefts from cars dropped 4 percent.
  • The drop in violent crime represents a more than 50 percent decline in the county over the past seven years, police said. 
  • Stawinski attributed the drop to solid police work. "That's the product of men and women going out on the streets on Prince George's County, day in, day out, and working to prevent crime in the first place," he said.
  • “I am very proud of the men and women of the Prince George's County Police Department and of the community as we worked together to organize against and prevent crime. Of note is the reduction in homicides and every category of robbery," said Chief Hank Stawinski.