
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Our Goal Is Zero Deaths on Indian Head Highway

Over the last 10 years an average of 6 lives are lost each year on the Prince George’s portion of MD-210. We aim to get that number down to zero. That’s a big challenge. We’ve had 1,466 crashes, six of them fatal in the first 8 months of this year.
Our government has a major effort working toward that goal. Commander Keleti and his State Police partner, Captain Pickett are using all the resources at their disposal to enforce the traffic laws. You see their effort every day you’re on MD-210. Greg Slater, Administrator of the State Highway Administration, is working on lighting and lane marking improvements.
But they can’t fix the real reason for these fatal crashes.
AAA’s John Townsend referred us to a classic Walt Kelly Pogo comic strip where Pogo says:

Pete Rahn, Maryland Secretary of Transportation, says his grandchild accused him of driving “like a Grandpa”. Safe driving is so unusual that even youngsters recognize that it is different.
A local pastor put it this way (I am paraphrasing): Where drivers need to go is more important to them than other people’s safety. We put our neighbors and friends at jeopardy when we speed. As adults, we should be able to discipline ourselves. Speed cameras are better than for a parent getting a knock on the door to be told their child is never coming home. If you don’t like speed cameras, don’t speed.
Adult drivers: don't speed, are not aggressive, don't drink and drive, and are not distracted drivers.

Please help re-balance the priority placed on life. Drive like a “Grandpa”. You’ll get used to it and it will help reduce your blood pressure.
Zero Deaths on Indian Head Highway and we will all get home safely.
Interested in improving MD-210 safety? Please attend the MD-210 Traffic Safety Meeting  next Monday, Nov. 20, 7 pm at the District VII Police Station.