
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Survey of Speeding Attitudes & Behaviors

(Click on the image for the survey)
Some highlights from the survey:
  • the majority of drivers, about four out of five, believed driving at or near the speed limit makes it easier to avoid dangerous situations and reduces the chances of a crash.
  • an overwhelming majority, 91 percent, agreed with the statement that “everyone should obey the speed limits because it’s the law.”
  • almost half of all drivers, 48 percent, said that it was very important that something be done to reduce speeding on U.S. roads.
  • however, despite acknowledging the safety benefits of speed limits and reasons drivers should follow them, more than a quarter of those surveyed admitted “speeding is something I do without thinking” and “I enjoy the feeling of driving fast.” Further, sixteen percent felt that “driving over the speed limit is not dangerous for skilled drivers.”
  • male drivers admitted to speeding more compared to females
  • drivers with the least experience behind the wheel, 16-20 years old, admitted to speeding more frequently than any other age group.
  • more than one in ten, 11 percent, of drivers age 16 to 20 reported at least one speeding-related crash in the past five years, compared to 4 percent for the population as a whole.