
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Reckless Driver Loses Control, Collides with Garbage Truck

  • From The Newport Blast, Nov 30, 2016: "The driver of a car that rear-ended a garbage truck as it entered Route 6 broadcast his driving on Facebook Live in the minutes leading up to the accident. The video shows the driver driving at speeds well over 100 mph as he weaves through traffic, sometimes using the shoulder to pass.
    Everyone occasionally breaks the law while behind the wheel. Most make sure they don’t record it. Those that do typically don’t do so live on Facebook…because doing so has a good chance of showing you dead on Facebook too. News reports indicated that the driver was taken to the hospital, but considering the speed he was travelling and that he wasn’t wearing a seat belt, we’re not expecting a good prognosis.
    If he does survive, we’re sure Providence police will be handing him numerous charges to keep him off the road for a very long time."
  • From WPRI: In January 2017, he appeared in court wearing a neck brace and a cast on his leg and pleaded not guilty to charges of reckless driving and driving with a suspended license. He has been previously cited for 25 traffic violations during nine traffic stops.
[Theory: Some drivers choose to speed to make driving more challenging and more "fun".]