
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Police Say Speed Cameras Reduced Driving Speeds by 40 to 60 %

Click on the image for the CBS News report)
  • The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) believes that if the nation had a speed camera program like Montgomery County, Maryland, 21,000 deaths or serious injuries could be prevented every year.
  • The report credits the cameras with a 19 percent drop in the likelihood a crash would result in a death or serious injury.
  • "If you have sustained, saturated enforcement, consistently over time, it will effectively change behavior. Random enforcement doesn't do anything but just issue tickets," Montgomery County Police Capt. Thomas Didone said.
  • "Despite the great traffic safety news and the safety paradigm, motorists for the most part are still skeptical about these programs," AAA's John Townsend said. "They think that it's really about revenue in the name of traffic safety."