
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Basement Sewer Backups from WSSC's Point of View

Based on this WSSC chart, 63% (436 of 688) of basement backups from July 2016 through May 2017 were due to service line problems. The service line from the property line to the house and sewer pipes within the house are the homeowner’s responsibility. WSSC is responsible for the portion of the service line from the main to the property line.
From WSSC: "What can I do to help prevent sanitary sewer backups? Be careful what you put down the drain. Several items that should not be put into your sewer system are paper towels, diapers, grease, paints/solvents, chemicals, antifreeze, non-food oils, and any non-dissolvable item. Please deposit grease and food scraps into a can or the trash for disposal."