
Saturday, June 3, 2017

WSSC Rate Structure Information

(Click on the image for the WSSC briefing and FAQs)
  • This is the same briefing given on June 3rd at Obie Patterson's Community Meeting.
  • Maryland Public Service Commission determined current WSSC rate structure unreasonable.
  • Current 16-tier structure charges customers at their highest average daily consumption back to their "first drop" used.
  • Current structure does not reflect cost of service.
  • See The Washington Post article,"Meet the Maryland man who’s taking on one of the largest U.S. water utilities" for the background of this restructuring.
  • WSSC expects to adopt the new rate structure in June 2018.
  • WSSC is moving toward "smart" water meters that won't require meter readers. That will allow monthly billing instead of quarterly billing.