
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Beware: Spring brings scammers to your door

(Click on the image for Kristi King's report on WTOP)
Now that the weather is warming up, realize that all the door-to-door vendors who come calling might not be legitimate.
“They’re going to tell you that your driveway needs to be fixed, that your trees need to be trimmed. They may even offer to do lawn service,” said Kelsey Owen of the Better Business Bureau, serving metro Washington D.C. and eastern Pennsylvania.
“Not everyone is a scammer that comes to your door, but there are definitely some red flags to look out for,” Owen warned.
You probably should be suspicious when offered a limited-time deal that expires if you don’t commit right away.
“Just tell them no. Close your door [better yet, don't open your door],” Owen said. “You don’t need to make any decision right away before you’ve had time to think it over.”
BBB warns that common scams involve magazine subscriptions, alarm systems and “storm chasers.”