
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Missed the Snow Summit? Here's the Brief

(Click the image for the briefing)
[Video of the latest Snow Summit is here]
Your Role:
  • Off Street Parking
  • Never Park on a Snow Emergency Route
  • Clear Sidewalks in Front of Your Home 
  • Clear Driveways and Mailboxes after Plowing is Completed
  • Stay off Roadways, If Possible
  • If not possible, stay as far behind trucks as possible
  • Reduce speeds to match road conditions during weather events
  • Allow as much distance as possible between the car in front of you
  • If you think it’s too bad to go out, it probably is
  • If on street parking is required, park on the even side of the roadway
  • Bridges, overpasses and cold spots freeze more quickly
  • Wait twenty-four (24) hours after the snow stops before calling to request snow and ice removal services