
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Public Schools’ Audit Set

(Click on the image for the AFRO article)
by: Melanie R. Duncan, Apr 27, 2016
“The purpose is identifying areas where our schools are making progress and areas where there are opportunities for improvement,” Council Chairman Derrick L. Davis (District 6) told attendees during the town hall. “A world class, 21st century school system is a priority for all of us.”
. . . Prince George’s County public schools have a budget of $1.7 billion.
. . . “Your typical audit asks the question, ‘Are you spending the money well in the way you said you were going to spend?’” [Board of Education Chair, Segun] Eubanks said. “We’re asking, ‘Did it make a difference? Did it move the needle in student learning? Did it make us more efficient? Did it respond to the needs of our students and our families in the way we intended?’ Those are much more important questions.”