Monday, November 17, 2014

DPIE Director Haitham Hijazi's Briefing to IHHAAC

(Click on the image for the briefing)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Peterson Family Foundation donating fruits, vegetables to Prince George's Co. food banks

(Click on the image for the WTOP Article) 
"Sixty food banks in needy Prince George's County neighborhoods are getting free twice-a-month deliveries of fresh fruit and vegetables thanks to a local foundation.
The foundation funded by the developer of National Harbor has committed to providing the equivalent of one million meals a year for three years."

Friday, October 31, 2014

Help for Domestic Violence Victims

(Click on the image for the pamphlet)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

WSSC Project to Stop Dumping Sewage into the Potomac, Broad Creek, Swan Creek, and Our Property

(Click on the image for the briefing)
Construction of the portion south of Swan Creek Rd will start this month and last 3 years.
The northern portion is waiting on Broad Creek access approval from the National Park Service. This will be a separate 3 year construction contract.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Letter to Safeway's District Manager

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Data Prince George’s

(Click in the image for the website)
"Visualize, explore, and interact with the County’s data in a collaborative online environment that currently includes dozens of graphs, reports and maps."

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Former Tantallon Resident Announces $1M Donation to His High School

(Click on the image for the WUSA9 video)
Jeff Kinney, former resident of Glasgow Way and creator of the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid', announced that the Kinney Family Foundation will donate $1 million to Bishop McNamara High School.
(Catholic Standard article here)

Report and Monitor Vacant Homes

  • Call 311 – They will route to either the police department or DPIE
  • Call 911 – If a crime is being committed and needs an immediate response
  • Contact Maria Hyatt –  DPIE Enforcement Division, Email:    
  • Contact Susan Hubbard – DPIE Communication’s Director, Email:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

New and Improved Emergency Alert and Notification System

(Click on image for more information)
Notify Me Prince George’s is transitioning to a new and improved emergency alert and notification software platform.  This system will provide several new features and upgrades that will improve how emergency and non-emergency information is currently provided to our residents, businesses and visitors.  Notify Me Prince George’s will continue to allow registered users to receive accurate, timely and secure information that is critical before, during and after an emergency.

Piscataway Dr Slope Failure Update

(Click on the image for the update)

How Do Burglars Decide Which Home to Target?

(Click on the image for the report)
1. What motivates burglars to engage in burglary?
2. What factors are considered by burglars during target selection?
3. What deters burglars from burglarizing specific targets?
4. What techniques do burglars use when engaging in burglary?
5. Are their gender differences in burglary motivations, target selection and techniques?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

IHHAAC Opposes CB-73-2014, LED Billboards and Signage

(Click on the image for the IHHAAC position paper)
"If you care about the visual attractiveness, never mind beauty, of our environment, roadways, public spaces, and residential communities, then we urge you to voice your opposition to LED signage to the County Council."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Public Safety Calls

(Click on the image for a better view)

You Can't Park Here!

(Click on the image for a better view)

Monday, September 15, 2014

This is what responsible gambling looks like

(Click on the image for the article)
"It’s not just decisions at the table that set responsible gamblers apart from gambling addicts. People who gamble for fun and keep a lid on their losses also act differently in their preparation and general approach to this potentially addictive pastime."

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Slot-machine science - How casinos get you to spend more money

(Click on the image for the report)
"Computerized slots have made this all possible. Again, in the old days, you pulled the lever and either won or you lost — and when people lost, they'd walk away.
Today's multi-line slot machines are far more elaborate. Instead of a single line, a player can bet on up to 200 lines at a time on the video screen — up, down, sideways, diagonal — each with a chance of winning. So a person might bet 70 cents and win on 35 of the lines, getting 35 cents back. That feels like a partial win — and captivates your attention.
Some players get so hooked by the flow of the game that they actually get annoyed when they win a jackpot."

Friday, September 12, 2014

Wal-Mart Appeals Zoning Hearing Examiner Decision Against Oxon Hill Superstore

"Applicant submits these Exceptions to the Decision of the Zoning Hearing Examiner and requests Oral Argument be granted for this Special Exception and Variance Case."
(Click here for a copy of the brief)
The Washington Post story on the decision against the Oxon Hill store is here.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Toxic Brew in Our Yards (NY Times)

(Click on the image for the article)
IN much of the country, it’s time to go outside, clean up the ravages of winter and start planting. Many of us will be using chemicals like glyphosate, carbaryl, malathion and 2,4-D. But they can end up in drinking water, and in some cases these compounds or their breakdown products are linked to an increased risk for cancer and hormonal disruption.
Some of those chemicals are also used by farmworkers, and there is a growing recognition that they can be hazardous. The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing regulations that will limit farmworkers’ exposure to dangerous pesticides and is accepting comments on these changes through June 17. These new rules are meant to reduce the incidence of diseases associated with pesticide exposure, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, prostate cancer, Parkinson’s disease and lung cancer.
Homeowners who use these toxins on their yards and gardens are exposing themselves to the same risks. They aren’t necessary. We don’t need them to have pleasant environments. Together we can make a substantial improvement in our water quality simply by refraining from using synthetic pesticides, weedkillers and fertilizers on a routine basis. Occasional localized use to deal with an otherwise uncontainable infestation, or to deal mindfully with an invasive species, is not the problem, but routine, frequent and widespread use is.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Push for Pr. George's To Impeach Pear Tree (Washington Post)

From the 2008 article: The Bradford's supposed sins are laid out like an indictment in a government resolution under consideration by the Prince George's County Council: Its weak limbs break off and litter roadways. Its invasive nature causes the tree to aggressively reproduce and push out other species. It's not native, its ancestry instead rooted in China.
Esther Mitchell, coordinator of a county gardeners' group that pushed for the resolution, puts it more simply: She calls the Bradford "a weed tree."

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tree Owner's Manual

(Click on the image for a copy)
Just like the owner’s manual that comes with automobiles and appliances, the Tree Owner’s Manual includes a parts list, instructions for installation, tips for troubleshooting common issues, recommended service, and more.
Additional information from Consumers' Checkbook is here.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A candid talk about the future of America’s cities, towns and neighborhoods

(Click on the image for the document)
"Keep doing what you can to build strong towns."

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

District VII Police Station Progress

(as of August 18, 2014)

How To Attract a Better Grocery Store

(Click on the image for the document)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Save Piscataway Hills

(Click on the image for petition)
Residents of Piscataway Hills in Fort Washington, MD are facing the possibility of being forced to abandon their homes following the collapse of the only road leading in and out of their neighborhood.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Protect Yourself and Your Family from Carbon Monoxide

(Click on the image to expand)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Safeway Response to Our Complaints

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

DER is Now DE

Saturday, June 21, 2014

1108 Swan Creek Rd

Thanks to Council Member Franklin and DPIE

Friday, June 20, 2014

Casino Boom Pinches Northeastern States (WSJ)

(Click on the Associated Press image above for the WSJ article)
Influx of Competition Leaves Early Players—Such as Delaware, New Jersey and West Virginia—Struggling to Keep Bets Flowing. More casinos have opened in the Northeast over the past decade than in any other part of the country, pinching the revenues of early players.

Some Goodies News (Washington Post Express)

"You may have spotted [Tantallon's] Brandon Byrd's totally awesome 1952 van cruising the streets dishing out frozen custard. On Saturday, he expands his sweets empire with Goodies Frozen Custard & Soda Bar, a soda stand at National Harbor with an expanded menu that includes root beer floats, peanut butter milkshakes and a red velvet doughnut sandwich. (Kiosk on American Way, National Harbor)"

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Information from the FCC for Hearing Challenged Telephone Users

(Click on the image for the FCC flyer)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ward off mosquitoes and ticks—and limit your risk from chemicals (Consumer Reports)

(Click on image for article)
Summer’s insects can be more than annoying—they can also make you sick. Ticks carry Lyme disease and mosquitoes spread serious illnesses such as West Nile virus.
Here are 15 expert tips on keeping the bugs away without dousing yourself in potentially dangerous chemicals.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Stop unlicensed contractors from defrauding homeowners (NBC4)

(Click on image for video clip)
Law enforcement in Maryland and Virginia share information in order to stop unlicensed contractors from defrauding homeowners.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How One Neighborhood Uses Security Cameras to Reduce Crime

(click on image for the website)
"Some time ago we had an serious incident in our neighborhood that was beyond the usual burglaries and car theft, it was so serious that the Neighborhood came together in a number of meetings to discuss how we could build on the existing Neighborhood Watch Program that we were members of to achieve higher security. There was a strong feeling that something should be done and a feeling of coming together."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

CountyClick Performance

(click on the image for the report)
This 2012 study by The Simmons Acres HOA looked at 29 requests for service made from Aug 31st-Dec 31st. The average time to close requests was 46.5 days and one request took 118 days to close.
While a new version of CountyClick is promised for release this summer, many of this report's recommendations relate to the county agencies, their leaders, and their employees, the engine behind CountyClick.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Victimization During Household Burglary

(click on the image for the report)
After you read this report, take steps to protect your home and family. See "12 cheap, effective ways to defend your home against burglaries and home invasions"

Friday, May 16, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Say No to Gangs

Hybrid Technology Training (Free!)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Think Before You Click (Microsoft)

(Click on the image for the article - it is safe!)
According to the latest cybersecurity report from Microsoft, “deceptive downloads” were the top threat for 95 percent of the 110 countries surveyed.
Deceptive downloads are legitimate downloadable programs (usually free) such as software, games, or music that cybercriminals bundle with malicious items.
For example, you might receive a file in email or through social networking, but when you try to open it you see a message that says you don’t have the right software to open it. You do a search online and come across a free software download that claims it can help you open the file. You download that software, but you unknowingly might also be downloading malicious software (also known as “malware”) with it. This malware might have the ability to access personal information on your computer or use your computer for cybercrime.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Homemade stink bug traps better than store-bought (WTOP)

"Warmer weather will bring out stink bugs from cooler hiding places. To get rid of them, researchers at Virginia Tech found homemade stink bug traps work better than store-bought traps. 
A pan of soapy water under a desk lamp attracts and kills 14 times more stink bugs than commercially produced traps that can cost as much as $50, the study finds. The study was conducted in 16 houses over two years."
The full article is here and a short video clip is here.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Audio Clips from Recent County Council Briefings

County Council, Transportation, Housing, and Environment Committee, April 30, Briefer: Dr. Haitham A. Hijazi, Director, DPIE

Prince George's County Council, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Briefers: Gwendolyn T. Clerkley, Associate Director, DPW&T, Susan Hubbard, Public Information Officer, DPIE, Thomas Fountain, Assistant District Engineer, SHA

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Right Tree, Right Place Program

(click on the above image for the briefing)
This program was briefed at the April 24th TCA meeting. 290 Bradford pear trees were identified for replacement in Tantallon. If we have the consensus of the community, TCA will request replacement of these trees at no cost to homeowners. Trees will be replaced during the dormant months. Trees identified by homeowners to be spared from replacement will not be removed.
Please let us know if you are in favor of or opposed to this program.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

District VII Police Station Construction Timeline

Provided by County Office of Central Services, as of April 22, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Coming Plague of Pears (GardenWeb)

(click on the image for the complete article)
"The Cinderella story of the Bradford pear ended once it was discovered that these trees begin to fall apart when they reach an age of about twenty years, right at the pinnacle of their landscape glory. The very narrow crotch angles of the erect and plentiful branches are weak, and a gusty thunderstorm or a coating of wet snow or ice will bring the branches crashing down."