
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

UPDATE: CM Monique Anderson-Walker on CB-48-2020 - Property Tax Increase? ZOOM Town Hall

UPDATE: -"The Council will hold a [virtual] public hearing for each of these proposed measures on July 21, 2020, prior to a final vote."

District 8 Neighbors,

Many of you have asked for the LINK to view "Let's Talk About CB-48-2020 - Property Tax Increase?  ZOOM Town Hall", that my colleagues Council Member Jolene Ivey, District 5, Council Member Tom Dernoga, District 1, and I hosted last night. The three of us voted NO on this charter amendment that could raise your property tax.

I am including four links below for your convenience, 1) ZOOM Town Hall; 2) the PowerPoint shared at the Town Hall and supporting materials; 3) Link to Bill with the June 23rd Committee of the Whole Meeting and our voting; and 4) NBC News story.

I encourage you to watch the Town Hall and hear our perspectives, why we voted NO, and the Q&A with the constituents. It is important for you to watch to discern and decide how this may impact you personally so that you can make your decision. Knowledge is Power and it is vital to share with others.  So, please share with other Prince Georgians, so that they too will be educated on CB-48-2020 before the FINAL VOTE on July 21st.

Link to Town Hall:

Link to PowerPoint slides shared during Town Hall and supporting documents for your reference:  HERE

Link to CB-48-2020 Bill and Committee of Whole Meeting: HERE

Link to NBC News 7/1 Coverage:  Here