
Friday, September 30, 2016

Prince George's Co. police chief weighs in on race & policing (WUSA9)

(Click on the image for Ellison's video report)
By Ellison Barber. On Thursday, Chief Hank Stawinski, of the Prince George’s Police Department, spoke about issues facing police departments across the country and got personal when addressing the tension between law enforcement officers and the African American community.

In Montgomery and Prince George’s counties, a tale of two markets

Click on the image for Michele's report)
By Michele Lerner
Montgomery County and Prince George’s County both may be suburbs of Washington, but the two housing markets are very different by nearly every measure, including home prices, the pace of sales and the amount of new construction.
“Montgomery County and Prince George’s County are like mirror images of each other,” says Nela Richardson, chief economist for Redfin real estate brokerage in Washington.
Prices are significantly lower in Prince George’s, where the median home price from January to August 2016 was $250,000, up 8.7 percent from that same period in 2015, according to Rockville-based multiple-listing service MRIS. In Montgomery, the median sales price for that same period was $410,000, up 2.5 percent from 2015.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Do It Yourself Hose Faucet (Bib) Repair

repair video is here for a hose faucet that is leaking from the vacuum breaker (the gray cap on top),
Repair parts, if you need them, are available here. You need a flat-blade screwdriver and pliers for the repair.

Robocalls Gone Wild

(Click on the image for Horace Holmes' 7 On Your Side report)
They call every day. Early in the morning till late at night.
They are robo calls. Those recorded calls any of us can get and most of us have received on our home or cell phones. Asking us to take a survey or informing us we've won something.
And if you think they're calling more frequently these days than they have in the past, you're right.
Get these numbers!
According to Youmail, a private company that tracks robo calls, just last month those calls hit an all-time high in the US of 2.6 billion up nearly 10 percent from July. That's 986 calls ringing per second across the country.
For just the DC area code 202, there were 19 million robo calls dialed in August. The ones marketing or trying to sell a product are against federal law.
[Free Nomorobo can help!]

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Prince George's County Police Launch 'Chief on the Go' Program (News4)

(Click on the image for Tracee's video report)
By Tracee Wilkins
Amid unrest surrounding deadly police shootings across country, the Prince George's County Police Department -- once subject to federal oversight for its own allegations of abuse -- is seeking to boost relationships with the community. Police Chief Hank Stawinski spoke with residents and played with children in Brandywine on Friday.

66 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Right Now

(Click on the image for the report)
Consumers Report:
Ah, the joys of the connected life: opportunities to engage with global communities, be educated and entertained, and shop with ease. But these go hand in glove with intrusions from marketers and threats from criminals. The tips here, compiled with input from dozens of security experts, will help you take control. We also have pulled out a shorter list of just seven, super-fast steps you can take right now, in less than 10 minutes.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

It's simple, wear your seat belt

Your seat belt is your best defense against unsafe drivers – buckling up is the single most important step you can take to save your life in the event of a crash.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Technology Gets Newer and We Get Older

Our hearing and vision get weaker and our fingers tremble but we still need to use technology to take care of ourselves. Here are 4 websites that offer help and advice. There are many more.

How to Pick the Fastest Line at the Supermarket

(click on the image for the New York Times article)
By Christopher Mele.
You dash into the supermarket for a few necessities. You figure it will be 10 minutes — tops — before you are done and on your way home.
Then you get to the checkout lanes and they are brimming with shoppers. Your plan for a quick exit begins to evaporate.
But all is not lost.
For anyone who has ever had to stand in line (or if you are a New Yorker, you stand on line) at a supermarket, retailer, bank or anywhere else, here are some tips from experts for picking the line that will move the fastest.

Bob Dylan making a sculpture for MGM National Harbor casino

By Jeff Clabaugh, September 7, 2016
A metalwork sculpture by legendary musician Bob Dylan will get a prominent place at MGM’s National Harbor casino.
Dylan is creating a sculpture called “Portal,” a 26-foot by 15-foot sculpture that will be part of the casino’s west entrance. It is Dylan’s first permanent work of art for a public space.
“As a company founded upon entertainment, we’re truly inspired by artists who channel their energy into diverse paths,” MGM Resorts International Chief Executive Jim Murren said. “We’re proud to collaborate with Mr. Dylan and bring his vision to MGM National Harbor’s Heritage Collection in a way that enhances this sensory resort experience.” [Read Jeff's WTOP report here]
[Unconfirmed rumor has the casino opening Midnight, Dec 8, preceded by special events on Dec 1st and 5th.]

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Big jump in number of Maryland drivers who illegally pass school buses

(Click on the image for Donna St. George's Washington Post report)
The total number of violations during the survey nearly tripled in Prince George’s County — from 230 last year to 658 this year — but was similar to its 2014 count of 669 violations. School officials said the county’s six-year average is 564; the county has 20 buses equipped with stop-arm cameras.
“Even one driver passing our buses is too many,” a schools spokeswoman said in a statement. “With our students back in school, it is important that motorists keep their eyes on the road and their minds on safety.”