
Friday, August 21, 2015

WANTED Young People’s Voice on Policing

It’s an important conversation. Each month, Chief Magaw, the Executive Command Staff and a group of young people meet at PGPD Headquarters in Palmer Park. These young people sit on the Chief’s Youth Advisory Council. They hear about our department and, in turn, we get their opinions on policing and current events. Chief Magaw created this council earlier this year with the goal of establishing an open dialogue with an age group that will bring a valued perspective on law enforcement issues. Several bright young citizens join us each month for this conversation, but we’re excited to now expand that group. The council is open to those between the ages of 16-24. Candidates would preferably live, work or attend school in Prince George’s County. Anyone interested in joining us on this important council is asked to write a paragraph about themselves and include why he or she would like to sit on the council. Please send that information to We’d like to hear from interested applicants by mid-September. [Aug 21, 2015, Police Media Relations]