
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Broad Creek Wastewater Pumping Station (WWPS) Augmentation Project

(Click on the image for the current newsletter)
This is the scene as your turn right onto MD 210 by Safeway. Read the newsletter to learn more about the project. Contact the WSSC Project Manager, Austin M.Freeman (301-206-8328), if you have questions.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

This Eagle Has Landed

We share our beautiful community with natural wonders. This Bald Eagle appears injured and stopped for a rest on a neighbor's deck but left before help could arrive.
Injured wildlife should be reported to 877-463-6497.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Camp Springs Duplicate Bridge Club

Come to Camp Springs Duplicate Bridge Club on Friday mornings at 10 AM to exercise your Brain!
Bridge lessons are available for beginners, refreshers for people who have played previously, but have ‘forgotten’ how to play, as well as introduction to duplicate for the ‘party’ bridge players.
You can bring your own partner but if you don’t have a partner, come anyway we have a guaranteed partner on site!
Club Managers and Directors are Martha D. Bley and Ross A. Bley (Martini and Rossy). Our phone number is 301-292-4103 if you would like to call us. Cell phone number for the day of the game is 240-441-9885.
Address of club is 6311 Old Branch Avenue, Camp Springs Maryland.
Cost is $5.00 per person for Shuffle and Play days.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Understanding IRS Filing Requirements under the Affordable Care Act

(Click on the image to expand)

Heritage Livestock

(Click on the image for more information)
Animals are part of the Accokeek Foundation’s stewardship of Piscataway Park. Many visitors appreciate the beauty of the farm animals without realizing their important role in farming systems. Over the centuries, domesticated animals have lived here with humans and have contributed to shaping this land as we see it today. At the Accokeek Foundation, we care for our farm animals in a way that enhances the health and stability of the natural and agricultural ecosystems of this special place.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Check the Date on Perishables Bought at Local Supermarkets

(Click on the image to expand)
An alert neighbor referred this the the County Health Department Food Protection Program

State Highway (SHA) Emergency Traffic Patrol (ETP)

(Click on the image for more information)
ETP is a free 24/7 roadside service on major highways. If you have an accident with no serious injuries, move your vehicle to the shoulder, turn your hazard lights on, and call #77. ETP provides flat tire change, jump starts, emergency fuel, and will coordinate towing.