
Friday, June 27, 2014

Protect Yourself and Your Family from Carbon Monoxide

(Click on the image to expand)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

DER is Now DE

Saturday, June 21, 2014

1108 Swan Creek Rd

Thanks to Council Member Franklin and DPIE

Friday, June 20, 2014

Casino Boom Pinches Northeastern States (WSJ)

(Click on the Associated Press image above for the WSJ article)
Influx of Competition Leaves Early Players—Such as Delaware, New Jersey and West Virginia—Struggling to Keep Bets Flowing. More casinos have opened in the Northeast over the past decade than in any other part of the country, pinching the revenues of early players.

Some Goodies News (Washington Post Express)

"You may have spotted [Tantallon's] Brandon Byrd's totally awesome 1952 van cruising the streets dishing out frozen custard. On Saturday, he expands his sweets empire with Goodies Frozen Custard & Soda Bar, a soda stand at National Harbor with an expanded menu that includes root beer floats, peanut butter milkshakes and a red velvet doughnut sandwich. (Kiosk on American Way, National Harbor)"

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Information from the FCC for Hearing Challenged Telephone Users

(Click on the image for the FCC flyer)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ward off mosquitoes and ticks—and limit your risk from chemicals (Consumer Reports)

(Click on image for article)
Summer’s insects can be more than annoying—they can also make you sick. Ticks carry Lyme disease and mosquitoes spread serious illnesses such as West Nile virus.
Here are 15 expert tips on keeping the bugs away without dousing yourself in potentially dangerous chemicals.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Stop unlicensed contractors from defrauding homeowners (NBC4)

(Click on image for video clip)
Law enforcement in Maryland and Virginia share information in order to stop unlicensed contractors from defrauding homeowners.