
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How One Neighborhood Uses Security Cameras to Reduce Crime

(click on image for the website)
"Some time ago we had an serious incident in our neighborhood that was beyond the usual burglaries and car theft, it was so serious that the Neighborhood came together in a number of meetings to discuss how we could build on the existing Neighborhood Watch Program that we were members of to achieve higher security. There was a strong feeling that something should be done and a feeling of coming together."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

CountyClick Performance

(click on the image for the report)
This 2012 study by The Simmons Acres HOA looked at 29 requests for service made from Aug 31st-Dec 31st. The average time to close requests was 46.5 days and one request took 118 days to close.
While a new version of CountyClick is promised for release this summer, many of this report's recommendations relate to the county agencies, their leaders, and their employees, the engine behind CountyClick.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Victimization During Household Burglary

(click on the image for the report)
After you read this report, take steps to protect your home and family. See "12 cheap, effective ways to defend your home against burglaries and home invasions"

Friday, May 16, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Say No to Gangs

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Think Before You Click (Microsoft)

(Click on the image for the article - it is safe!)
According to the latest cybersecurity report from Microsoft, “deceptive downloads” were the top threat for 95 percent of the 110 countries surveyed.
Deceptive downloads are legitimate downloadable programs (usually free) such as software, games, or music that cybercriminals bundle with malicious items.
For example, you might receive a file in email or through social networking, but when you try to open it you see a message that says you don’t have the right software to open it. You do a search online and come across a free software download that claims it can help you open the file. You download that software, but you unknowingly might also be downloading malicious software (also known as “malware”) with it. This malware might have the ability to access personal information on your computer or use your computer for cybercrime.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Homemade stink bug traps better than store-bought (WTOP)

"Warmer weather will bring out stink bugs from cooler hiding places. To get rid of them, researchers at Virginia Tech found homemade stink bug traps work better than store-bought traps. 
A pan of soapy water under a desk lamp attracts and kills 14 times more stink bugs than commercially produced traps that can cost as much as $50, the study finds. The study was conducted in 16 houses over two years."
The full article is here and a short video clip is here.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Audio Clips from Recent County Council Briefings

County Council, Transportation, Housing, and Environment Committee, April 30, Briefer: Dr. Haitham A. Hijazi, Director, DPIE

Prince George's County Council, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Briefers: Gwendolyn T. Clerkley, Associate Director, DPW&T, Susan Hubbard, Public Information Officer, DPIE, Thomas Fountain, Assistant District Engineer, SHA