
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Disaster preparedness: How to be ready for the next big storm

From Consumer Reports
What you can do to safeguard your home and family

"There’s no telling whether the rest of this hurricane season will bring anything like Superstorm Sandy, which flooded more than 150,000 homes, killed more than 140 people, and left about 8.5 million homes in 20 states without power. A relatively minor storm can also cause major damage if it includes high winds, heavy rain, or tree-snapping ice or snow.
Even a simple blackout can happen at any time and last for days. More than a half-million New Jersey residents were still without power two weeks after Sandy. And if you think most home-insurance policies cover disasters, think again: Flood insurance is just one of the “extras,” assuming it’s available in your area.
This report lays out the essentials you’ll need to help protect your home and the people in it before disaster strikes."

Friday, August 30, 2013

Student Loan Forgiveness

August 28, 2013
"WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 33 million workers qualify to have their student loans forgiven because they work in schools, hospitals or city halls, but too few take advantage of the options because the programs are overly complicated and often confusing, the government's consumer advocate said Wednesday."

Read the AP article here and get more information from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) here and here.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tool for Finding the Cheapest Cellphone Plan - Wall Street Journal

Cheapest service may not be the best service but this tool can help you make a choice.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Life and Death in Assisted Living

More and more elderly Americans are spending their later years in assisted living, which has sprung up as an alternative to nursing homes. But is this loosely regulated, multi-billion dollar industry putting seniors at risk?

Visit this PBS website.

Also, Find Nursing Home Problems in Your State